Working Together

It is critical to our practice that client service expectations are well managed and desired results / outcomes are achieved on time, to specification and within budget. 

A simple 4-step process is applied to all of our engagements*. 


Step One  –  Discovery

We meet client representatives, determine engagement context, assess specific needs.


Step Two – Engagement Sign Off

We submit an Engagement letter (and Proposal if required), confirm acceptance of engagement scope, deliverables, timetable & milestones, resource allocation, key contacts, reporting requirements, budget for fees and expenses, billing schedule and our standard Terms & Conditions.

Step Three  –  Field Work

Engagement progresses per Step Two with prompt reporting and resolution with you of any barriers to delivering required engagement deliverables. Any necessary adjustment to engagements terms documented by us and promptly signed off by the client.    


Step Four  –  Reporting & Close Out

Draft report provided and discussed with nominated client representatives. Final Report provided to persons and/or entities as advised by the client. Close out meeting held to confirm client satisfaction, areas for improvement, and any further client requirements .      

* We recognise that variations to such standard processes may need occur and will discuss these with you at the outset.

Explore Our Key Services

Workshop Facilitation

Business Development & Fundraising


Governance Review & Reform

Training & Education

Collaboration & Innovation


Business Coaching & Mentoring

Strategic Planning & Research

Business Risk Management & Continuity Planning


Capability Injection