We have a strong focus on being an active contributor to our Community.
To this end, we will continue to apply our depth of experience across key sectors with a strong community connection to facilitate the following outcomes:
- Robust decision making
- Focused innovation & collaboration
- Greater strategic foresight, growth & sustainability
- More effective governance and leadership
- Strong risk management & resilience
- Active learning, health & wellbeing

Small & Medium Sized Businesses
(includes micro businesses)
“Jeremy was attentive, passionate, and diligent in taking his Smart Steps to Business course student under his wing. A mentor who I would highly recommend. Jeremy spent a lot of his time helping and making sure all students were able to reach their full potential in all aspects of his teachings. I would highly recommend Jeremy as a diligent hard worker who strives for the best in not only the people whom he works with, but himself as well.”
Bradley J Shaw
Student & Managing Director
Gateway Funeral Services

Not For Profit
(includes Charitable Trusts, Incorporated Societies, Community Good Organisations and Social Enterprises)
“Jeremy’s extensive knowledge in both governance and risk management have been of great assistance to the Foundation for Youth Development (FYD). Our Community Partner model can add complexities to effective governance. Jeremy understands these and has supported FYD with facilitated governance sessions at our annual Community Partner conference, which have been well received. Additionally, Jeremy has provided strong governance advice with the review of our Risk Management Policy and Plan. He provided a robust framework that was easy to adopt and manage, and importantly supports strategic decision making. Jeremy provides good governance advice with a pragmatic approach with is greatly valued by FYD.”
Marion Short
Chief Executive
Foundation for Youth Development

Sport, Recreation & Fitness
(includes NSOs, RSOs, Sports Nutrition)
“We have pleasure in presenting this special award to you Jeremy, in recognition of your outstanding contribution to Tennis in New Zealand – presented February 2012 “
David Patterson & Steve Johns
President / Chief Executive Officer (respectively)
Tennis NZ

(includes schools, ITOS, Universities)
“AUT has engaged Jeremy Bendall to facilitate Council strategic planning over the past two years. He is a great facilitator. Jeremy has challenged us to see our future clearly and strategically and then to plan for it. With his encouragement Council better understands its governance role.”
Sir Paul Reeves
Previous Chancellor
AUT University

Local Government
(includes Councils, CCOs, CCTOs and funding agencies)
Jeremy Bendall was asked to look at best practice Board Governance for the newly established Local Government Funding Agency. The purpose was to review what we had achieved to date and to look at gaps which if filled would improve our identification and management of both risk and opportunities. Jeremy very quickly understood our unique governance model by reading relevant documentation and overseas research and was able to use his local authority experience to highlight areas to work on. Our Board and management are grateful for his services.”
Craig Stobo
Local Government Funding Agency

(includes mental health, disability and wellness)
“The Council contracted Jeremy Bendall to initially review our risk management approach and recommend improvements consistent with good practice. Jeremy quickly attained an understanding of the Council’s business and worked with the management and governance to develop our risk identification, tolerance and management model. We have also utilised Jeremy’s skills in facilitating Council planning. The Council has retained Jeremy as we implement this model and ensure it is embedded into our strategic and business operations.”
Philip Pigou
Chief Executive,
Medical Council of NZ
Examples of contributions to other sectors such as Banking & Finance, Consumer Goods, Retail, Hospitality, Transport & Horticulture are available on request.
To find out more, contact us for a discussion of how we can help you.
Level 1
The Lightning Hub
193 The Strand
Ph: +64 27 237 2849