Training & Education

We are recognized for facilitating and delivering quality training and education that aligns with desired learning outcomes.


This may be providing courses or training programmes on specials topic or as an integral part, for example,  of delivering strategic planning, risk management, or governance services. We are experienced in collaborating with inhouse and external parties to deliver great learning experiences and outcomes for  attendees and clients (includes professional bodies, universities, and Not for Profit/Community Good organisations).


Provided below is a sample of training and education courses, programmes, forums or presentations that we have led or been an integral part of:

Small & Medium sized Businesses (SMB) – Establishment/Start Up , Right Pitch, Governance Maturity cycle, Key Business risks (by maturity cycle), Family businesses.   

Collaboration – models of collaboration, partnership, and collaborative innovation.

Innovation – Models of governance, innovation and partnership practice , Innovation Parks & facilities, Integrating innovation into core processes, local and international research findings.

Governance for Non-Profits and Charities programme of facilitated training utilizing the “Tick for Governance “online modules (10) developed by Community Network Aotearoa. We will confirm training objectives with the Board Chair and a timetable for directors / trustees to progressively complete the online modules over 10 – 12 months. We will facilitate 4 – 5 sessions with the board over this period to lock in learnings, identify areas for improvement, and progressively develop the Boards Action plan.

Other Governances courses – Governance Essentials, Director Responsibilities & legal compliance, Good Governance & Leadership practices, Strategic risk governance, Audit & Risk Committee best practices (includes case studies, issues, trends).   

Risk Management & Resilience – Psychology of risk management, Crisis management ( virus attacks ) , Disaster Awareness & Emergency Management, Setting the Tone at the Top , Risk Management Policy & Risk Appetite / Tolerance,  Resilient organisations & people, Integrating risk management systems, Smart Risk response strategies , Enterprise Wide Risk Assessment/Management, Conducting Robust Risk assessments, Crisis & Emergency Management, Managing Risk Through Recessionary Times , Disaster Recovery & Business Continuity Planning , Risk Management in the 21 st Century, Project Risk management, Fraud & Ethics – Risks & Controls, ICT Risk Management, Modern Risk based Internal Auditing & Control systems.  

Information & Communications Technology – Governance frameworks and Risk Management standards, Outage Management, DRP & BCP practices, Cloud computing, Electronic transactions and conveyancing, Payments systems. 

Performance Reporting & Management – performance measurement & evaluation systems, balanced scorecards (6 elements), dashboard and scoreboard design & reporting, Early warning reporting systems.   

Sector specific issues – SMBs, Sport & Recreation, NFP /Community Good, Local government, Health & Disability, Banking Finance, Education, Consumer Goods sectors.

We can tailor material and approach to meet specific course, programme, education forum, presentation or mentoring and coaching needs.  


To find our more, contact us for a discussion of how we can help you.

Outcomes sought:

robust decision making

more effective governance & leadership

active learning, health & wellbeing

focused innovation & collaboration

Greater strategic foresight, growth & sustainability

strong risk management & resilience