Business Risk Management and Continuity Planning

Many business owners, managers and directors are faced with increasing demands from shareholders, stakeholders and regulators whilst faced with potential crisis or disasters caused by virus attacks, natural or IT related.


They need to have the skills, attributes and resilience necessary to clearly set risk appetite, make intelligent risk decisions, effect strong crisis and business continuity management, communicate well with stakeholders, and demonstrate strong leadership and governance.

This requires a robust system of risk management and governance that is business focused and addresses culture, competence, accountability, process, content and change requirements. Boards and Audit, Risk & Finance Committees need to play  an effective role in setting risk appetite and risk tolerance; approval of the risk management policy; active monitoring of risk exposures and management performance. This system of risk management and governance must deliver early warnings and increase the likelihood of asset protection and enhancement. Our approach to risk management is focused on delivering results and is integral to strategic decision making.

We use a comprehensive methodology and have access to smart technology which is scalable so as to ensure fit for purpose application It incorporates simple health checks through to more comprehensive risk framework design, strategic, project or operational risk assessments, assistance to Audit, Risk & Finance Committee, business continuity and/or enterprise-wide risk management plans and programmes. 

Also, our experience with modern risk based Internal Auditing (and resourcing sourcing options/models),  Control systems, and Value For Money (VFM) assessment is extensive and may be of benefit to you.

To find out more, contact us for a discussion of how we can help you.

Outcomes sought:

strong risk management & resilience

robust decision making

more effective governance & leadership

Greater strategic foresight, growth & sustainability