Jeremy Bendall – Bio

Jeremy Bendall is Managing Director of Bendall Advisory, a niche consulting practice which provides a range of business advisory services.
Jeremy sees himself primarily as an experienced objective facilitator and educator who makes life easier for business managers and governors by bringing out the best in their people, ensuring available knowledge and talent is utilised to maximum advantage whatever the business objective or situation may be!
Bendall Advisory core services include workshop facilitation, training and education , business coaching and mentoring, governance reviews & evaluations, strategic & business planning, research, enterprise risk assessment and management (includes Business Continuity Planning), business development and sales, fundraising and sponsorship, project management and performance scorecard / metric design services. He also provides training, mentoring and tutoring for directors, trustees, executives, managers and students. Jeremy is a registered business advisor and is periodically contracted by clients to provide governance, project, operational management, or training /kaiako capability in the short to medium term.
Jeremy has completed assignments in a variety of roles and sectors in New Zealand, Australia, South America, South Africa, Asia and the Pacific and has obtained wide experience in working with diverse cultures. He has held senior roles in local, regional and international advisory firms with responsibility for governance, enterprise risk management, business process review and outsourced risk, compliance and internal services.
Jeremy has deep sector experience in the Small & Medium (SMB) sized business, Sport and Recreation, Not for Profit / Community Good, Education/Tertiary, Health & Disability, Banking and Finance, ICT, Local government, and Central government sectors. He has worked in a variety of management and governance roles including acting as a Board Member/ Director, Trustee, Board Chairman, Deputy Chairman, Advisory Board Chairman, Executive Team member, GM Marketing & Business Development, Principal Risk Advisor, Client Service partner, Transition Committee member, Audit Risk & Finance Committee chairman, Project & IT Steering committee member, Project Manager, Chief Risk Officer, Chief Internal Auditor, mentor, educator, coach, trainer and facilitator.
Jeremy heralds from Christchurch and Kaikoura. He has also lived in Wellington, Auckland, Coromandel and is now based in Whakatane in the Eastern Bay of Plenty. He has a strong community spirit and passion for youth development, sports coaching, mentoring, knowledge transfer, business success, innovation, change leadership, music and sport. He has mentored and sponsored several musicians and sportspeople whilst his other interests include fishing, soccer, tennis, boxing, rugby, writing life stories, reading, family heritage studies, playing guitar, learning new languages, and the study of ancient civilisations.